U.S. Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke took time during a visit to North Dakota in May to tour several Garrison Diversion Unit (GDU) facilities in central North Dakota. He was in North Dakota to speak at the Williston Basin Petroleum Conference.
“We are honored Secretary Zinke made time to visit the Garrison Diversion Unit facilities to learn more about how our programs benefit North Dakota,” says Duane DeKrey, Garrison Diversion Conservancy District (Garrison Diversion) General Manager. As the state sponsor of the project, the Red River Valley Water Supply Project (RRVWSP) was among the topics Garrison Diversion staff talked about during Secretary Zinke’s visit.
This is the second Garrison Diversion meeting with Secretary Zinke in less than a year. In October, Garrison Diversion and Lake Agassiz Water Authority (LAWA) representatives traveled to Washington, D.C., to meet with Secretary Zinke and Congressman Kevin Cramer about the RRVWSP. The group discussed the drought control project that will deliver a supplemental water supply to central and eastern North Dakota. The supplemental water will be utilized for domestic needs and to promote industrial development for nearly 50 percent of the state.
Secretary Zinke’s recent visit to the Garrison Diversion facilities was hosted by the Bureau of Reclamation Dakotas Area Office. Governor Doug Burgum and Lt. Governor Brent Sanford also participated in the tour, as well as staff and board officers from Garrison Diversion, ND Delegation representatives, State Engineer Garland Erbele and State Water Commission staff, several legislators, and representatives from the RRVWSP and Northwest Area Water Supply Project (NAWS).