Red River Valley Water Supply Project

Representatives of the Red River Valley Water Supply Project (RRVWSP) have been busy presenting information about the project to state leaders and organizations, as well as at conferences.

Over the past six months, project representatives from the state project’s cosponsors, Garrison Diversion Conservancy District (Garrison Diversion) and Lake Agassiz Water Authority (LAWA), as well as project consultants, have traveled around North Dakota and as far as Washington D.C. to share information about the RRVWSP.

Duane DeKrey, Garrison Diversion General Manager, was invited to present about the RRVWSP at the CG/LA North American Infrastructure Forum in D.C. “It’s an honor and a privilege to have the Red River Valley Water Supply Project featured among the top six infrastructure projects in the country at a national conference,” says DeKrey.

Here are some of the additional events where the RRVWSP was presented recently:

  • Garrison Diversion Water Conference, Fargo, ND
  • CG/LA North American Infrastructure Forum, Washington, D.C.
  • North Dakota Water Topics Overview Committee Dec. 10, 2019
  • ND House of Representatives Leadership
  • Landowner’s Association of North Dakota
  • Valley Prosperity Committee & two Speed Networking events in Fargo and Grand Forks
  • International Red River Board
  • Red River Basin Commission board
  • Multiple meetings with legislators and the state delegation to brief them on the project
  • Radio interviews on KFGO Radio’s News and Views Show with host Joel Heitkamp

In addition to providing presentations, Garrison Diversion and LAWA provided RRVWSP information as exhibitors at various conferences. “Both the Garrison Diversion and LAWA booths shared information about the Project at conferences such as the ND Association of Counties, Joint ND and Upper Missouri Water Convention, Red River Basin Land & Water International Summit Conference, and North Dakota Rural Water Systems Expo & Conference. This Project will benefit nearly 50% of the state’s population, and we want to make sure we’ve provided useful information to legislators, water professionals and the public,” says Kimberly Cook, Garrison Diversion Communications Director.