Red River Valley Water Supply Project

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Pipe shipments are set to arrive in July, and pipeline installation on the Red River Valley Water Supply Project (RRVWSP) will kick into high gear. Crews will begin in Foster County southeast of Carrington, North Dakota, and continue west, working towards the existing 1.2 miles of pipeline installed last year. This summer, the pipe for the tunnel under the bed of the Missouri River and the concrete seal plug will be installed on the intake.
This spring’s soggy weather delayed topsoil stripping because the ground was too wet. Crews separate the topsoil and set it aside during construction, so it can be returned to its proper place when construction is finished. The late snowmelt and continuous rainfall affected final ground restoration on parts of the pipeline near Carrington where the pipelines were installed late last year.
“The design of the RRVWSP, which involves buried water pipelines, means landowners can use their land as they always have before and after construction. In addition, all affected property owners are compensated for the use of their land,” says Duane DeKrey, Garrison Diversion General Manager. “We make a promise to restore the land as close as possible to its pre-construction condition after construction is complete. In the event crop damage occurs, Garrison Diversion makes it right by providing crop damage payments.”
Project officials are encouraged by the number of easements acquired to date. “We appreciate the foresight these landowners have that North Dakota’s economic future is dependent on the completion of this vital water pipeline project, and we hope to foster additional landowner relationships as the project progresses,” says DeKrey.   
When an easement is needed, Garrison Diversion sends a packet of information to landowners that includes a letter identifying the tract of land, RRVWSP map with project information, overview of the Garrison Diversion Conservancy District, easement agreement to be signed with a return envelope, and a copy of the Garrison Diversion crop damage payment policy. Eminent domain proceedings are utilized as a last resort. 
“Many of our board members and staff are landowners, so we understand the concerns that are involved with easement requests. Garrison Diversion and its land agents are committed to explaining the process to landowners thoroughly. We want landowners to be understanding of the process,” says DeKrey.